Here are the people with official and informal responsibility, who have agreed to work to build community and the process arts in a structured way, including Board members, administrators, interns, and volunteers.
If you'd like to join our team, please investigate our available opportunities here.
To explore our workspace (online work area), please click here.
Board & Officers
+President - CEO
Peace practices, community building and conflict facilitation; mediation and negotiation; social benefit organizing and administration, ensemble creation, and team building; spoken and media-based communications and performance; academic learning and administration; supervision and management.
+Board Chair
Founder, President, and CEO of Emminger Commercial Interior Fabrication and Fine Millwork
Emeritus Board Member of Aiki Extensions and Project Manager for innaugural Training Across Borders seminar in 2005.
+Board Members
Leon was born near Cleveland as the Great Depression was getting underway. His family moved to Palestine for several years but in 1936 returned to settle in The Bronx. At age 17 Leon entered the military for a short tour. He has worked and made his home in the San Francisco Bay Area since the early 1950's. When Berkeley was becoming known for growth of the counter-culture he was drawn further into meditation, activism, and the campus milieu. He entered the conscious search for a way of being in the world that accepts the individual and invites loving co-creation of relationship and has been a part of personal and collective transformative efforts ever since, including: the Community Liaison Group (1967-1968), the Cultural Integration Fellowship (1971-), the Pea Soup Community (1972-), the World Citizens Assembly (1974-), the International Cooperation Council (1975-1977), Communal Grapevine (1981-), PeaceMAP (1984-1985), Peace and Environment Coalition (1984-1985), ongoing Community Building circles, and the Dedicated Weekly Group (1997-1998).
Not belonging to organizations but exploring individual paths of growth developed his sense of the necessity for inclusivity and the individual in co-creation. Through all of these things Leon was looking for something and becoming disappointed. A longing for "something really decent, without all the skeletons in the closet," and disinclined to unravel as a result of relational glitches. Trying to find peace happening within peace-making organizations seemed more and more unlikely, activists displaying an inclination to "fight like cats and dogs" within their ranks. The foregoing resume suggests some "flashes of glory" but misses a central theme from Leon's life - the longing for deeply rewarding relationships, community, and the co-creation of a more decent world. He is particularly drawn to combining the uses of silence with applied communication skills.
+Book Keeper
Naomi Keepin, following professionally in her mother’s footsteps, began her bookkeeping career while still in high school. After graduating from Mills College in Oakland, California with a B.A. in Economics, Naomi specialized in accounting work for nonprofits and fiduciary attorneys. A Vermont native, she is pleased to assume her new role, leading the professional staff at Even Keel and supporting the businesses and organizations that make Vermont’s economy vibrant.
+Data Manager
We are looking for a Data Manager. If you, or someone you know is interested in this work, please visit our invitation here.
+Web Developer
We are looking for a web developer. Please contact us at administration [at] abcglobal [dot] net if you would like to know more.
Peace practices, community building and conflict facilitation; mediation and negotiation; social benefit organizing and administration, ensemble creation, and team building; spoken and media-based communications and performance; academic learning and administration; supervision and management.
I began practising Aikido at the age of 11 and quickly grew to love the rigorous yet welcoming culture of the Dojo. Within a few years I found myself assisting with the children's classes, and by the age of 15 I regularly taught at least two of the three children's classes each week. In contrast with my own intense and often chaotic learning process, learning how to work with and teach kids served to ground my ambition, humbling me and forcing me to refine my own practice again and again. I consider myself extremely lucky to have been afforded such a privileged opportunity so early in my Aikido career and I am excited to renew this passion as an assistant and instructor with Peace Practices under Brandon WilliamsCraig.