Martial Nonviolence Introduction

Martial Nonviolence integrates the movements of aikido with the language and mind of Aikido 2.0, and takes the practice to a realistic and professional level through improvisation and facilitation training that puts Conflict Done Well in the context of sustainable and inspirational leadership.

+For Parents

The children bring home what they practice during the day and carry back into the classroom the realities of their family life. Peace Practices are designed as Whole Community Learning because this reality of inter-dependence cannot be escaped and is both frustrating and the ideal fertile ground in which to cultivate the success of everyone involved.
What about practicing at home, on the playground, and other places outside of the dojo?

- Basic practice is careful and slow for quite a while. Please don't play at fast aikido with your friends. Wait to train in the dojo.
- To practice, both people must agree, knowing what permission they are giving. If you don't ask first, or somebody doesn't know what they are saying, wait to practice.
- If there in no soft place on the floor, like mats or padded carpet, wait to practice falling down (ukemi) until you are in the dojo.
What about being attacked by other children?
If someone attempts to hit or grab you, please get out of the way and call an adult right away. Children test their power on each other all the time, with and without martial arts. Minor injuries are common and, in our experience, do not increase with the study of martial arts. We repeat frequently the phrase "aikido protects" and make clear that this includes even those who might seem threatening or aggressive.

What about the practices involved, like hitting and imagining attacks?
Children take to heart and carry with them between school and home what they learn and imagine. Some parents believe that their child might not have conceived of physical conflict until introduced to it in our classes. This is extremely unlikely and, even if it were to happen, is the best possible introduction to a problematic dilemma. The big shift we propose is from saying "Don't Hit!", which does little good in the long term, to making clear that the dojo is the place to learn what hitting is about, with teachers who are attentive and friends who have agreed to stop when asked, and how to make that kind of aggression at least less threatening and at best irrelevant.
Do I need to sign a waiver for my child every session?
Waivers need to be signed for ever particpant (adult and child alike) once to cover all of their future particaption in Peace Practices.
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