Fiscal Sponsorship Guidelines
At this time, we assess an 8% administrative fee. In addition, we receive 12% of any grants secured with our help, and require a commitment to establish an ongoing relationship with a current member. A contract will establish reporting requirements. If you are seeking fiscal sponsorship, please take a moment to answer the following questions briefly in an email to
- Please forward your vision and mission statements along with a list of Internet sites you maintain.
- Please forward a recent copy of documentation (balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows) illustrating the system by which you manage your group's money.
- Please describe your group norms when dealing with conflict inside your organization. If you have a private consensus and/or published policy, please forward it.
- Please list briefly the other organizations/groups with whom you are in relationship (alliance, support, competition, etc.) based on similarities with your mission.
- Please list the people who work on your projects most frequently and need your efforts to succeed for their own reasons. Include titles and functions as appropriate.
- Please describe your activities, including a statement indicating how your work and plans do not interfere with our 501(c)3 political restrictions.